Saturday, July 14, 2007

Why I choosed to be UTC not anything else ?

I started my IT business 3 years back, it gives some kind of good income but nevertheless we have no sufficient time to meet up with our customer’s on timely manner. We manage to secure few contracts it did earn the $$$ but timing was the main constraint.
Food Business- We secured the master license for food franchising business to open Chain stalls in all Train stations. We almost got conned tired and we put in our hardwork like crazy. After work, make appointment, meet people, talk explain about the concept. Rush back home for my tuition classes and after tht start hitting book for my MBA. Slept late and next day wakeup early as 5:30am to rush to work at 7am. Pheeewww damn tiring. This was going on for many months untill we decided to pull out, there is no sincerity between the License owner. Our profit was $ 0,000,000.00.
There was a gap for 2 years and this year I have decided to do something different. I want to secure my income in each and everyway. Being a contract worker taught me lessons in life. Don’t take life for granted. Life is not all about working, sitting at home, retire and *&^%. It is more than tht, at the end of day we must not have any regrets. We must feel that we fulfilled our duty and return to HIS hand happily. One must feel contented, rejoice and great about their achievement. I started thinking back of my investment in Pub.Mutual 1 year back, I was also approached to be a Agent but that time my confidence level was low. BINGO ….!!! I told myself that Im going to be a Agent. I called up my agent whom I invested last time and…. the rest are history. It had been 2 months since I joined, i can feel fruit of sucess ..HOWEVER I NEED TO WORK HARDER ! . And I WILL !! ONBVN

1 comment:

Unknown said...

This is kewl... I'm sure you will make it big. It's just matter of time. Good Luck..